Friday, June 19, 2009

Fathers’ Day !!!

A beautiful day dedicated to all fathers, celebrating fatherhood to honor them. I am very lucky to initiate my blog for him...

My DadPersistence of perpetuity !!!

I remember days when it took a long time for me to sleep….
You would read story and sing till I sleep
I remember days when it took a long time for me to do home work….
You would sit with me till I finish it off
I remember days when it took a long time for me to walk….
You would wait till I follow your footsteps

Your hands
Taught me to pray,
Taught me to read,
Taught me to write,
Taught me to work hard,
Taught me to sacrifice,
Taught me to be generous … so on…

I remember your hands working hard till they bleed.
Forfeit selflessly for me…..
All I want is to live a life again for YOU and only for YOU.

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